VR/MR For Education
Disclaimer: The following list of off-the-shelf applications that may be of interest to educators who want to explore VR/MR for student learning. It is not a complete list and is not intended as a ranking system.
VR applications for experiential learning
Acupuncture: MAI AcuMap
Agriculture: Farming,
Anatomy: Biodigital
Anatomy: BodyMap for Quest2 or Vive
Anatomy: 3D Organon YouTube channel
Anatomy: EducationXR
Anatomy: HRA Organ Gallery
Anatomy: Human Anatomy VR by Virtual Medicine
Anatomy: Medicalholodeck
Anatomy: Medip Box,
Anatomy: Perspectus Vive PCVR
Anatomy: Physiology of the Eye
Anatomy: XR Heart Anatomy Meta app
Aquatic: Ballast (underwater VR)
Architecture: Agile Lens
Architecture: EyeCAD
Architecture: IrisVR
Architecture: Origami
Architecture: Sentio VR
Architecture: Space Elevator
Architecture: VR-EP
Art: A-Painter WebXR
Art: Art Studio VR
Art: Blockworks VR
Art: Bricks VR
Art: BrushWork WebXR
Art: Contour
Art: Figmin XR
Art: Gesture VR draw on real paper with VR, or in VR
Art: Gravity Sketch
Art: Kingspray graffiti
Art: Open Brush
Art: PaintingVR
Art: Pottery VR
Art: Quill VR for artists and animators
Art: ShapeLab PCVR
Art: The Museum of Other Realities (PCVR)
Art: Tilt Brush copyright video, Math in TB, fashion, Fashion video
Art: MasterpieceVR - Animation on PC for VR
Art: Vermillion
Astronomy: VR Spacewalk
Astronomy: Buzz Aldrin: Cycling Pathways to Mars
Astronomy: HOME
Astronomy: SpaceVR
Bartending: Bartender VR Simulator video
Business: AMP Creative
Business: Bodyswap
Business: InStage soft skills
Business: Mursion soft skills
Business: Portico soft skills
Business: pwc soft skills
Business: Quytech
Business: Serious Factory VTS - soft skills
Business: STRIVR business training solutions
Business: Talk to Me (sidequest)
Business: The Glimpse Group
Business: Vantage Point Soft skills
Business: Vectre Perspectives
Business: Virsabi
Business: Virtual Bodyworks
Business: Virtual Humans
Business: Virtual Speech
Career: CareerLabsVR
Career: TRANSFR VR, video
Child Care: Childcare Safety
Coffee Barista: Sentireal AR to train baristas
Collaboration: Matrix (mostly for science collaboration)
Communications: In-Stage public speaking
Communications: 911 Operator
Communications: Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes.
Communications: Star Trek: Bridge Crew for team building
Correction Services: GTL prisoner rehab and training. Article, video,video, article, article,
Culinary: Lost Recipes
Data Analytics: Virtualitics, Quest compatibility,
Data Analytics: BadVR
Data Analytics: versabi
Data Analytics: Komorebi
Data Analytics: 3data Also called Virtual Command
Data Analytics: Ulysses
Dental: Dental VR Academy
Dental: Gleechi Technology
Dental: Voxel-Man 2D simulator
Design: Bezi AI
Design: Gravity Sketch
Design: Mindesk for CAD collaboration
Design: Playbook XR, gaming, interior design, etc
Design (Interior): Bezel
Design (Interior): Chief Architect - app
Design (Interior): IrisVR
Design (Interior): Joyverse Quest,
Design (Interior): Oneiros
Design (Interior): ShapesXR
Design (Interior): Spacecard - cardboard solution
Design (Interior): Space Elevator
Disaster Management: Adv Disaster Management
Disaster Management: Environmental Tectonics Corporation Simulation Training Sys
Driving: LogiTech G27 & HTC Vive Driver Sim
Emergency Preparedness: GTI
Emergency Services: RespondVR EMS (triage), Police
Emergency Services: Fire Safety Lab
Emergency Services: Fire FLAIM Trainer site, FLAIM Training video,
Emergency Services Fire: Guardian Airwaves
Emergency Services Fire: Mammoth XR, P.A.S.S. training,
Emergency Services Fire: One Bonsai fire extinguisher training. Video,
Emergency Services Fire: NEXTGEN Interactions
Emergency Services Fire: RelyOn Nutec (XVR uses the Teslasuit)
Emergency Services Fire: SmartFireFighter
Emergency Services Fire: Vobling
Emergency Services Fire: XpertVR
Emergency Services: Fire & Police XVR (incident command)
Emergency Services: Police: Apex Officer
Emergency Services: Police: Axon VR
Emergency Services: Police: Black Marble Ltd article,
Emergency Services: Police: CSI VR (team)
Interior Design: Studios
Emergency Services: Police: Fight training
Emergency Services: Police: Jigsaw deescalation training. Article re “Trainer”, article
Emergency Services: Police: LEVRS 360 video
Emergency Services: Police: MobiC
Emergency Services: Police: NSENA de-escalation
Emergency Services: Police: Crime scene investigation - article
Emergency Services: Police: Wrap around video virtual training - article & video
Emergency Services: Police: Milo Range (cave style simulation)
Emergency Services: Police: Police Enforcement
Emergency Services: Police: Refense
Emergency Services: Police: RCMP training, article/video
Emergency Services: Police: Street Smarts VR
Emergency Services: Police: surviVR
Emergency Services: Police: Tactical AR
Emergency Services: Police: V-Armed article/video
Emergency Services: Police: Virtual Forensics
Emergency Services: Police: VR Police crime scene investigation
Emergency Services: Police: XR Group
Engineering - Civil: Civil Virtual Reality Laboratory
Environmental: Beyond the Diorama: Caribou World PCVR on Steam
Environmental: Ocean Acidification article article2 - Stanford University
Environmental: ecoMUVE
Environmental: This is Climate Change - article
Environmental: Pollinator Park (website with link to webxr)
Environmental: The Crystal Reef
Environmental: The Stanford Ocean Acidification Experiment
Environmental: Being Coral and climate change
Environmental: Tree
Fitness: Beat Saber
Fitness: BoxVR
Fitness: Creed: Rise to Glory
Fitness: Dance Central
Fitness: Ohshape
Fitness: RenderFit
Fitness: Sense Arena fitness and sports Quest2
Fitness: Supernatural
Fitness: Synth Riders
Fitness: Third Dimension Fitness mixed reality for Quest 3
Fitness: Thrill of the fight
Flight Services: Airline flight attendant Simulation on Steam
Flight Services: AVIAR
Flight Services: TF cabin crew training
Flight Service: The New Real Lufthansa
Flight Services: Flight Attendant Training using Engage
Flight Training: FSTC
Flight Training: Loft Dynamics
Flight Training: Visionary Training Resources
General: 3lbXR. Trades, medical…
General: Motive Medical, First Responder, Trades
General: Serious VR trades
General: The Glimpse Group
General: XRdigitech
General: Universive for Gear VR, Oculus and Vive - video
General: VEATIVE
General: VictoryXR
Health & Safety: Digital Engineering and Magic video,
Health & Safety: Elite VR
Health & Safety: Mindglow - Active shooter safety training. video
History: Hiroshima - article
History: Lithodomos VR & AR
Hospitality: Passport To Success Myanmar (360 video hotel training)
Indigenous: Crow, the Legend
Indigenous: Cut Off 360 degree video
Indigenous: IM4 Media Lab
Indigenous: Ogoki VR Museum. Language Learning apps. Native America App (VR)
Indigenous: Never Alone - “an atmospheric puzzle platformer Video
Interior Design: Chief Architecture (Rift or Vive)
Language: Gaeltech Irish
Language: Handy English
Language: LanguageLab
Language: Mondly Languages
Language: Witly - learn from native speakers from around the world
Language: Wonda VR Spaces Specs video French Harvard Experience
Language: Virtro
Language: VRnacular
Liberal Arts: Within 360 video collection
Liberal Arts: Allumette (storytelling)
Liberal Arts: Collose (storytelling)
Liberal Arts: Emblematic - storytelling in VR
Liberal Arts: Public Speaking - Ovation, video $250 USD/month unlimited accounts
Liberal Arts: Public Speaking - Virtual Orator
Liberal Arts: Public Speaking VirtualSpeech
Library: Virtual Community Library
Marine: CTRL Reality video
Marine: Kilo
Marine: Kongsberg K-Sim Navigation video
Marine: Marine Pilots
Marine: Morild Navigator PCVR (multiplayer)
Marine: SQLearn
Marine: Waartsila Voyage, simulators, video
Marine: Virtual Marine study
Medical: BioFlight VR
Medical: EasyAnatomy
Medical: Empathy platform
Medical: ER VR by Immersive VR (the makers of Engage)
Medical: Fetal Heart VR (App Lab) fetal ultrasound training. Article
Medical: Fundamental Surgery
Medical: Lifeliqe VR Museum (free) - have some anatomy applications
Medical: Luxonic
Medical: Medical Realities surgical simulation app.
Medical: Nurse’s Escape (Sepsis game from UNMC - on Sidequest)
Medical: Real Systems OTAPTA training for physio article
Medical: The Physiology of the Eye
Medical: The Physiology of the Ear
Medical: Ultrasound in OBS using VR
Medical: Ultrasound CAE Health Vimedix
Medical: Stroke assessment using mixed reality
Medical: Triage in a multi-casualty situation - World of Rescue
Medical: Virtual Heart from Stanford Children’s - video, article
Medical: HVR Medical Training Dental, birth, surgery
Medical: Virtual Medicine
Medical: XVR triage - this might be PC based
Med Patient Sim: 3lbXR (also for trades and other VR training)
Med Patient Sim: Acadicus
Med Patient Sim: Augmented Training Systems. 1st responder training, MCI, Talk
Med Patient Sim: Avietra First Responder training (triage)
Med Patient Sim: Axon Park
Med Patient Sim: BioFlight VR
Med Patient Sim: Chemotherapy VR
Med Patient Sim: Collaborative Human Immersive Interaction Lab
Med Patient Sim: ConquerExperience Nursing operating room training
Med Patient Sim: Deepscope, ultrasound simulation
Med Patient Sim: Dynacor Media video
Med Patient Sim: DualGood ACLS, Pediatrics, auscultation trainer
Med Patient Sim: Hands Only CPR by the American Heart Association
Med Patient Sim: EmergeNYC
Med Patient Sim: Emergisim EMS
Med Patient Sim: Exonicus Trauma Simulator
Med Patient Sim: FundamentalVR
Med Patient Sim: Health Scholars 7 ways… ACLS (HOSP) video EMS
Med Patient Sim: ICOM Productions, sample,
Med Patient Sim: i3 Simulation VR
Med Patient Sim: insiteVR for Nurse Practitioner
Med Patient Sim: Lucid Reality Labs
Med Patient Sim: Lumeto
Med Patient Sim: Medic Rescue - triage from Live Motion Games
Med Patient Sim: MediSim VR
Med Patient Sim: MedVR Education
Med Patient Sim: Nurse’s Escape
Med Patient Sim: Osso VR - surgery
Med Patient Sim: Oxford Medical Simulation
Med Patient Sim: Patient Communication Simulators Spark
Med Patient Sim: PerSim (AR patient sim) - demo shipped
Med Patient Sim: PeriopSim - surgical nursing
Med Patient Sim: Real Response triage app, video,
Med Patient Sim: RespondVR EMS (triage)
Med Patient Sim: Ractive (CPR)
Med Patient Sim: RCSI Medical Training
Med Patient Sim: Simvana anaesthesia
Med Patient Sim: Surgical Theater
Med Patient Sim: TactileVR for nursing
Med Patient Sim: Triage by Dr Brennen Mills, Edith Cowan University
Med Patient Sim: Reanimation
Med Patient Sim: simvana Anaesthesiology simulation
Med Patient Sim: SimTec MD
Med Patient Sim: Shift Bias covid19 PPE training video, video
Med Patient Sim: SkillUp
Med Patient Sim: UbiSim Nursing simulation
Med Patient Sim: Vantari VR surgery, emergency, cardiology
Med Patient Sim: Virtual Life Support CPR
Med Patient Sim: VR CPR
Med Patient Sim: VRARRI surgical training
Med Patient Sim: vrClinicals for Nursing
Med Patient Sim: VR-EP prehospital childbirth, dementia
Med Patient Sim: VR Lab CPR
Med Patient Sim: VRPatients
Med Patient Sim: Wholearth
Med Patient Sim: World of Rescue
Med Patient Sim: Xennial Digital
Med Patient Sim: XVR Simulation Triage
Mental Health Crisis: Axon VR - crisis intervention
Mental Health Crisis: Lumeto
Mental Health: BehaVR
Mental health: Guided Meditation VR video
Mental Health: Higher Prana
Mental Health: Innerworld app
Mental Health: MentallyVR
Mental Health: Nature Treks
Mental Health: Relax VR (Oculus)
Mental Health: Remind VR
Mental Health: Solara One, Quest, trailer
Mental Health: Tripp VR
Mental Health: VR Pottery
Mental health: Mindfulness: WiseMind
Museums & Galleries: 7 VR Wonders
Museums & Galleries: AGO Bristol 1775 PCVR on Steam
Museums & Galleries: ArtPlunge
Museums & Galleries: Dreams of Dali (Steam)
Museums & Galleries: (Hi)Story of a Painting
Museums & Galleries: Masterworks: Journey Through History
Museums & Galleries: Musee d’Orsay, Paris (WebXR)
Museums & Galleries: Museum of Other Realities website
Museums & Galleries: Native American App
Museums & Galleries: Nefertari
Museums & Galleries: Pompeii
Museums & Galleries: Rome Reborn: The Pantheon
Museums & Galleries: The Grand Museum VR
Museums & Galleries: The Kremer Museum VR Museum
Museums & Galleries: The Rougeau Gallery
Museums & Galleries: The OmniGallery
Museums & Galleries: Virtual Antiquities Museum
Museums & Galleries: VR Museum: Art Through Time
Music: Grand Reality learn to play piano
Music: Maestro
Music: Magic Keys
Music: PianoVision learn to play piano website
Nuclear: Tecknotrove Systems
Opticianry: Physiology of the Eye
OTA-PTA: Neuro Rehab VR (therapy)
Personal Protective Equipment: PPE (TAFE, NSW)
Pharmacology: article, article, Kaegi Pharm Museum,
Robotics: VRobot allows you to learn how to build robots in VR
Simulation: SixSense - health, trades, etc
Simulation: Tecknotrove Nuclear plant, Air, driving, mining, defense
Social Studies: Becoming Homeless app article - Stanford University
Social Studies: A 1,000 Cut Journey - article, article,
Social Studies: The Enemy
Social Studies: UTURN Gender equity
Sound Engineering: Virtual Studio XR
Sports: StriVR
STEM: Breaking Boundaries
STEM: CalcVR calculus
STEM: Futureclass
STEM: Gadgeteer (Physics)
STEM: Hold The World
STEM: Inspirit VR
STEM: Lume VR cell microscopy
STEM: maroon Web based
STEM: Mimbus chemistry lab
STEM: Nano Symbox iMD article,
STEM: Nanome
STEM: Neotrie - math-geometry
STEM: Newton’s Room physics
STEM: Pandemic
STEM: PC Virtual Lab - assembling a PC
STEM: ScienceVR
STEM: VictoryXR
STEM: VIRTUE for electron ion collider
STEM: VRlabacademy
STEM: Xennialdigital K-12 sciences
STEM-chemistry: Hololab Champions (Vive, Rift) Video
STEM-chemistry: HoloLABchampions video,
STEM-chemistry: Qualium Systems video,
STEM-chemistry: MEL Chemistry VR, Website
STEM-chemistry: Molecule Builder
STEM-chemistry: SuperChem VR, Video,
STEM-chemistry: Labster - VR Lab simulation, VR introduction to the lab, TED
STEM-chemistry: Chemistry Lab VR
STEM-chemistry: Chemistry for VR (Oculus)
STEM-chemistry: VR Chemistry Lab
STEM - engineering: PNX Labs
STEM-physics: Physics games: Gadgeteer by Metanaut
Subscriptions: SIMA Classroom
Teacher Training: VRsatility, article
Training General: Strivr
Trades: AugmentedArc for welding
Trades: Avatar Partners Mechanics
Trades: Brightline Interactive construction VR apps
Trades: CAE Aviation Maintenance
Trades: Construction Career Exploration
Trades: Digital Engineering and Magic - Electrical Power Stations, Helicopter landing
Trades: Drill Press training
Trades: Dynacor Media demo
Trades: Electrical VR Training
Trades: Flint mixed reality training e.g. cranes
Trades: Elevate Training in Fall Protection, Confined Spaces, & Lockout Tagout.
Trades: Forklift simulator
Trades: FreerangeR
Trades: Gleechi Technology
Trades: High voltage substation training
Trades: Hinton Scaffold Solutions video
Trades: Interplay Learning
Trades: ITI VR Mixed reality training on various cranes
Trades: IVRY Technologies, electrical,
Trades: Lincoln Electric welding
Trades: Ludus
Trades: Make Real
Trades: MARLA - Master of Malfunction. Wind turbine training
Trades: Mimbus
Trades: Modest Tree Xplorer
Trades: MultVR
Trades: Norcat mining
Trades: One Bonsai fire extinguisher training. Lock out tag out (LOTO), Evacuation
Trades: Otherside Studio video
Trades: Plumbing Safety
Trades: Power Tool Safety (TAFE, NSW)
Trades: Propel VR
Trades: Proximity
Trades: RealityWorks Welding mixed reality training (no HMD)
Trades: Serious Labs MR experience. Crane operation, fork lift, article, article
Trades: Shinybox
Trades: Short Circuit VR, Steam (free) Electronics
Trades: Sprayverse spray painting
Trades: UP360
Trades: Vinci - wind turbine training
Trades: Virtualware - nuclear plant training
Trades: VRKshop carpentry
Trades: VRSafety (360 video)
Trades: VRTEX
Trades: Weld Simulator
Trades: Worksite VR Simulator
Trades: Wrench Engine Building Demo (Rift/Vive) Steam ($22.79) Oculus video
Training General: Job Simulator
Travel & Tourism: Acute Art VR Art Museum
Travel & Tourism: Alcove
Travel & Tourism: Amazon Odyssey app
Travel & Tourism: AnyWR single player
Travel & Tourism: Atlas Obscura
Travel & Tourism: Brink Traveler
Travel & Tourism: Ecosphere
Travel & Tourism: FLY (like Google Earth for stand alive VR)
Travel & Tourism: Hoppin’ multi player viewing of 360 videos
Travel & Tourism: JerusalemCardoVR
Travel & Tourism: Lithodomos Ancient sites
Travel & Tourism: National Geographic
Travel & Tourism: Nature Experience in Germany
Travel & Tourism: Nefertari:Journey to Eternity - Video
Travel & Tourism: Oneiric Masterpieces Paris
Travel & Tourism: Palace Of Versailles
Travel & Tourism: The Climb
Travel & Tourism: The Kremer Museum
Travel & Tourism: VR Museum of Fine Arts - Steam
Travel & Tourism: VR Travel Expo
Travel & Tourism: Wander
Travel & Tourism: Wooorld
Veterinary: Animal Anatomy Explorer (TAFE, NSW)
Veterinary: Giant Lazer
Veterinary: Llama Zoo JetsonVR
Veterinary: Think Digital article, video, Dr. Mani Carr, University of Adelaide
Veterinary: VictoryXR subscription - e.g. Pig Dissection
Veterinary: Virginia Tech, Video APK file to sideload to Quest
Veterinary: VET VR
Veterinary: VetVR on Steam
Veterinary: Xennial Digital (high school level) video
Empathy/Perspective Taking
3-Fold Games Elderly: “Before I Forget”
After Life - “tragic death of a loved one - family struggles to mend their frayed bonds”
A Mile In My Shoes article,
An Autistic Journey $5.69 PCVR (Vive)
Becoming Homeless: A Human Experience - video research presentation
Coral Compus: Fighting Climate Change environment
DebiasVR (evidence-based testing and inclusion behavior training)
Dementia Free. Rift
Embodied Labs being elderly, interviews, article
Embodied Labs Palliative care
Equal Equality VR Diversity and Inclusion Training
How to create empathy in VR by Jeremy Bailenson
I Am A Man African- American Civil Rights Movement
Mursion “soft skills”
Perspectives Diversity & inclusion article
Play an Aspie Life autism free PCVR (Vive)
Podcast: Voice of VR #695,
Regatta VR, article Sexual Harassment
reHASHED VR: Marijuana and Vaping Prevention - XR Pediatrics
SIMA “soft skills”
Stanford Virtual Human Interaction Lab - empathy programs
Social Workers Learn About Child Abuse Through A Child’s Eyes - article
Stanford VHIL: Downloadable apps (requires PCVR)
The Book of Distance Canada’s racism toward the Japanese (article)
The Enemy Social Studies
The Last Goodbye - A Holocaust story, available via WebVR browser
The March 360 (search Quest TV)
UNVR Syrian refugee crisis
Vantage Point Equity, diversion and inclusion training
VRsatility, article - Not yet available as far as I can tell
We are Alfred - Embodied Labs (learning empathy for the elderly)
Virtual Bodyworks domestic violence, self conversation
Spatial Networks for Teaching synchronously online - VR
3D WebWorldz (WebXR)
EngageVR video, video, FAQs, e.g. class, conference - Best platform, best features
Foretell Reality specializes in soft skills/role play and therapy/support
Garou - high fidelity via PCVR.
Hoppin’ multi player viewing of 360 videos
mootup (same as Learnbrite?)
Sansar is the creator beta version of Second Life for VR
UtopiaVR (british Columbia)
Whiteboard VR App WebVR
360 Videos
WITHIN - source for great 360 video content
Agriculture: Farm Food 360
Art: Reuben Margolin - Waves Available via VR app Quill Theater (free)
Climate: Melting Ice
Climate: Feast
Climate: Famine
Climate: Fire
Climate: Bring Water To The Thar Desert
Climate:Homeless: A Los Angeles story Available via VR app Quill Theater (free)
Conservation: “As it is“ the Grand Canyon
Cosmology: The day the Asteroid Struck
Covid: Inside Covid19, regular video
Cuisine: Behind the Dish
Documentary: The Sun Ladies - “The Sun Ladies VR takes the viewer on an intimate journey to the lives of a group of Yazidi women fighting ISIS in Iraq” Available via VR app Quill Theater (free)
Documentary: The wings of Mosul Available via VR app Quill Theater (free)
Documentary: Women Fighting Terrorism
Emergency: Car crash
Emergency: VR Flood
Empathy: Space/Climate: The overview effect Available via VR app Quill Theater (free)
Empathy: I am Rohingya
Empathy: Clouds Over Sidra
Tourism: Cave paintings in Spain. Available via VR app Quill Theater (free)
By Rob Theriault MET, BHSc., CCP(f)
Buffalo Museum of Science
Virtual World Society
Nspire Create Labs
Arts for Learning of WNY
BECPL LaunchPad Makerspace
The Belle Center
Say Yes Buffalo
St. Josephs Collegiate Institute
UB ISEP - https://isep.buffalo.edu/
Squeaky Wheel Buffalo Media Resources
Education Collaborative of WNY
Buffalo Mini MakerFaire
Best Self (formerly Child and Adolescent Treatment Services)
People, Inc.
Enterprise Charter School
Buffalo Public Schools
North West Buffalo Community Center
More partners coming soon.
If you are looking to find out more, schedule a session, or join our team just reach out to me:

Use Free WebXR tools to draw and create in 3D
Tiltbrush single person
Multi Brush multiple designers concurrently